Anything You Want

I tend to take things seriously, more seriously than I’d like, and more seriously than it is good for me. Anything You Want by Derek Sivers is a good lesson on taking most things as they come, but taking your core values seriously:
Make sure you know what makes you happy, and don’t forget it.
Page 73
It also reminds the reader to focus on what they want to do and not what they want to have.
The whole point of doing anything is because it makes you happy! …its about what you want to be, not what you want to have. To have something (like an album, or a million dollars) is the means, not the end. To be something (like a good singer, or just plain happy) is the real point.
Page 58
The book also had tons of advice for small business owners, while I couldn’t agree with all of it, some points really stuck with me:
- The customers are more important than the business itself. The business’ objective should be customer satisfaction, not survival.
- Tiny details of design and customer experience delight and thrill people enough to make them tell their friends about you.
It was a very quick read, and I’d recommend it to anyone thinking of starting something of their own and have an hour to spare 😊