Setting up WordPress’s PHP coding standards for your theme
Setting up coding standards for your project is always a good idea. While it is ideal to start with one from the beginning, sometimes you have to do it after you’ve already written quite a bit of code (looks at Zuari π). Here is a quick guide on setting up the WordPress PHP Coding Standards for your theme or plugin:
For the purpose of this guide you’d need PHP and Composer installed locally, even if you are using docker for local development. We start by running composer init
. This sets up the composer.json
file and adds it to .gitignore
. Next to get the phpcs and the WordPress coding standards, we run:
composer require squizlabs/php_codesniffer --dev composer require wp-coding-standards/wpcs --dev composer require dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer --dev composer require phpcompatibility/php-compatibility --dev